Document Insights

Obtain intelligence from your internal information and chat with your data.

What is Document Insights?
Document Insights shrinks your universe of information into just what you want to know.
From your internal knowledge, including integrations with business applications such as OneDrive, DropBox, etc. + external sources, with Photon, you have the ability to seamlessly chat and interact - in real-time - with all your organization's knowledge corpus.
How it Works
As easy as uploading files, organizing and chatting
Click "Upload" to select or drag and drop files. You can also enter website URLs, YouTube links, and more.
After processing, a green checkmark will appear next to the filenames, allowing you to view an overview, keywords and sentiment.
Additionally, you can chat with your file(s) in a manner you desire, allowing you to effectively ask questions of your information.
Powerful Feature Benefits
With DocuInsights, users will change the way they read through their files.
Add Documents From Any Platform

Integrate with your existing business applications and CRMs, i.e. OneDrive, SharePoint, Dropbox and more, to obtain Photon Insights on your document repositories.

Changes in your drives will be synced to Photon, and you will be able to garner intel on specific files of your interest to supercharge your productivity.

Customizable Organization

Add tags to your files for improved categorization, ensuring that every document is easily accessible and properly organized.

Filter your files effortlessly by creation date, tags, document type, and integration source. Additionally, leverage the power of elastic search to quickly find exactly what you need, streamlining your workflow and increasing productivity.

Document Chat

Granularly chat with your data of interest. Select a single file, or multiple different media, and talk with just the selected documents.

Photon always provides citations as well, so you can link back to original sections of documents to verify our insights, and additionally you can augment with web access if needed.

AI Chatbot

Bot offering enhances customer support by facilitating lead generation and prospecting potential clients, streamlining interactions and improving engagement (and higher sales conversion rate).

And the bots are highly customizable - they can be from just a few of your selected files, or can be augmented with the web, detailed or short answers, etc. depending on user preference.

Supercharge your Research
Chat, search through and obtain summarizations from your universe of data.
Instant Media

Get concise summaries with your various media in seconds, and ask questions.

Streamline Workflows

A smart knowledge base where employees can chat for answers, streamline workflows, and access summaries.

Share documents

Enhance collaboration by sharing documents seamlessly, providing easy access to essential files, and empowering your team to work together efficiently.

Photon Chatbot

Photon Chatbot boosts customer support by generating leads, streamlining interactions, and improving engagement with Document Insights data.

Want To See DocuInsights

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