Optimize and Elevate your
Financial Research with AI

Intelligence on your Internal Data
Auto-Generated Reports
Realtime Web-Based Snapshot Research
Citations for Transparency
Document Insights

Seamlessly chat and interact (in real-time) with all your organization's knowledge corpus, including integrations with your business applications.

Surface Info Across Files
Efficient File Management

Generate highly customizable investment memos based on your relevant data in minutes, enabling you to perform better company analysis.

Custom Templates
Integrations with CRMs
White-labeling Option
Photon Instant Insights

Gain real-time answers to your queries. Instantly analyze data, trends, and sentiment to streamline the research process.

Precision QA
Realtime Insights
Trend Analysis
Value Propositions

Photon significantly reduces research time and supercharges decision-making by intelligently condensing vast amounts of information into what you need to know.

Thorough Financial Research

Photon streamlines due diligence by curating tailored reports focused on your companies, public or private, of interests.

Photon scours the web for real-time signals on your chosen equities, facilitating quick access to essential information through questions or searches. It also provides insights from SEC filings, earnings calls, alternative financial datasets and your relevant internal data.

Internal Data Insights

Photon allows you to intelligently interact with your data by allowing you to upload files (in a wide array of formats), integrate with business apps (i.e. OneDrive), and ask questions across selected files with citations for full trust.

Knowledge Bots

We specialize in smart chat solutions tailored for your team and clients, enhancing understanding of customer needs, boosting sales, and reducing training and search time for employees.

Best In Class Security

We prioritize client confidentiality and security, meeting industry standards like SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO 27001.

Tailoring to client security needs, we offer custom builds on-premises or hosted on private clouds, and can plug in play private models.

360-Degree Monitoring
Keep tabs on companies and topics seamlessly while accessing insights from both your custom data and across the web.
Knowledge at your Fingertips
Perform searches while specifying the desired data sources to instantly obtain answers with citations, sentiment analysis and more to any of your queries.
AI Platform built for Financial Research
Photon delivers key insights, leveraging a blend of generative AI and classical machine learning techniques for smart search, question-answering, customizable financial report creation, summarizations, early warnings, and sentiment + trend analysis.
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